First Game of Black Powder

This week, I had my first chance to try Black Powder. Some guys at the club had organised a big multiplayer game and they were kind enough to give me a Union brigade to command. The game was played with 28mm figures from the club members’ collection on a humongous table.


As you can see, I had three regiments and a battery of artillery against six Confederate regiments. Well, I decided to make a stand anyway, as we had some reinforcements coming up.

The battle started with the Confederates on my flank moving up rapidly. I moved one of my regiments in a flanking position and concentrated my fire on the Confederates to my right, but unfortunately I didn’t hit anything. The return fire caused one of my regiments to take hits and become disordered.


Meanwhile, the Confederate center had trouble advancing while on our left flank, another firefight erupted. We were all waiting eagerly for the promised reinforcements, but General Sigur seems to have lost his way as there was no sign of them anywhere.

Unfortunately, my boys couldn’t stand up to the Confederate pressure and soon my first regiment broke. With fierce artillery fire, I managed to rout some Rebels, but after my second regiment skedaddled the situation looked dire.

My lone surviving regiment was charged by four Confederate units, while my artillery was charged by Rebel cavalry which suddenly turned up on my flank.

This was when we ended the game. My brigade was completely gone, the center still looked good while the left flank was locked in a firefight which could have gone on for a while.

This was also my first experience at playing in a multiplayer game and I had great fun. I also liked what I saw of Black Powder, even though we played with simplified unit stats as it was the first game for all of us.

I have decided that I want to expand my 15mm ACW collection so as to be able to play regimental level games and Black Powder will certainly be one rule set I’ll try out at home with K. (besides Longstreet).

Thanks to the lads for letting me play, lending me figures and suffering my poor dice rolling!

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